Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Irreducible Complexity, Gradualism, and Faith

The concept of “irreducible complexity” observes that many – or all - biological structures cannot suffer the loss of any one part and still function optimally. Each part is necessary. Loss never means improvement. Hardening of the arteries never gives a functional advantage.

In contrast, the engine of evolution – Darwinian gradualism - must explain how each incremental step, each additional building-block, in the development of an organ or a structure, gives the host organism a survival advantage, even before the organ, as we know it, is functional.

The pericardium of the heart is one such building-block. There first has to be a heart before the pericardium can provide any advantage. However, without the pericardium, the heart will quickly burn out. It seems that all the parts have to be present before the organ to function properly. Bruce Malone explains:

  • A sac called the pericardium is a tough, thin, fibrous membrane which surrounds and protects the heart. Imagine it this way, your heart is in a plastic sandwich bag with another sandwich bag surrounding it, and between the two bags is an oily lubricating fluid. Your heart is essentially encased in this tough sac with the lubricant fluid between the heart and the sac…When the heart beats, it can now slide around in the fluid without creating friction…A heart without this marvelous sac would soon produce enough heat to kill us. (Inspired Evidence)
Some biologists argue that all functional structures – even the microscopic ones - are irreducibly complex. How then do evolutionists explain the evolution of such structures? Darwinian gradualism seems unable to explain, in any detailed way, how those many necessary parts can each confer a survival advantage as they are added gradually one-at-a-time.  Therefore, Malone concludes:

  • These kinds of details are ignored by the evolution believers. They just wave a magic wand and say, “Evolution did it.”
Ah, the wisdom of evolution!

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