Tuesday, February 5, 2019


A Christian claimed that we should only pledge our allegiance to Christ and not to our nation. Well, perhaps pledging allegiance to our nation needs to be qualified. Perhaps we should rephrase this in another way. Do we have a responsibility to our nation? Well, do we have a responsibility to our families? I would say so. Do we have a responsibility to our neighbors on our block? Yes! To our town? Yes, again! And so why not also to our nation that has bestowed so much upon us?

Wouldn’t it be seen as ingratitude to claim that we don’t also have a responsibility to our nation and the way it has protected us?

Should we have a responsibility to all the nations of the world as we would our own nation? Well, should we have the same responsibility for our neighbors’ wives as we do for our own wife? Of course, not! This would just bring bitterness and ultimately ineffectiveness to help anyone. Should we extend ourselves to the block association in the next state or to our own block first of all? It would be more meaningful to start with our own neighbors.

To have a secure and loving family is the best way to love our neighbors. To have a secure nation is also the best way to love the world. Love must begin at home, and the USA is our home. To do otherwise is to provoke bitterness and division.

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