Wednesday, April 3, 2019


Who are the white, liberal, progressive, leftists? (I am reluctant to include “liberals” in this group, because many liberals are now drawing back from this group. However, the cited article seems to indiscriminately lump them together.)

In article entitled, White Liberals and the Cult of Ethnic Sado-Narcissism, Jeremy Carl cites the American National Election Studies (ANES) survey and reports that:

·       African-Americans show the highest in-group bias independent of ideology. Hispanics and Asians are bunched in the middle, with no obvious ideological relationship between in-group bias and ideology. But apart from liberal whites, every group has a substantial in-group preference. In this respect, white liberals really are exceptional.

How do these preferences affect attitudes towards other groups? A GenForward survey asked young whites how they viewed a future in which the majority of Americans would be racial minorities. Carl summarizes their findings:

·       More than 60 percent of white conservatives said it made no difference. Results were similar for white moderates. Among white liberals, by contrast, 57 percent said they thought a nonwhite majority would strengthen the country, while 7 percent thought it would weaken the country and just 34 percent thought it would make no difference. Thus, while white moderates and conservatives had a variety of views about America’s growing diversity, a majority of white liberals thought it would strengthen the country for whites to be a minority. Among all ethnic groups, only white liberals are biased against their own ethnic group.

Why this strong bias against one’s own ethnicity? Clearly, it is not because their achievements give them any cause to feel ashamed. Carl reports that democrats, mainly comprised of white liberals, are the predominant sources of power and influence:

·       A large scientific survey of more than 3,500 social science academics at 40 leading universities found a Democratic  to Republican ratio of 11.5-to-1—and approximately 4 in 5 academics are also non-Hispanic whites. Among journalism professors, that ratio was 20-to-1. At elite institutions, donations to Democrats sometimes outnumber donations to Republicans more than 100-to-1. At least 77 percent of journalists (some surveys show numbers closer to 85 percent) are non-Hispanic whites. Just 7 percent of journalists in a recent survey identified as Republicans.

·       In Hollywood the overwhelming dominance by whites in key decision-making roles ranges from almost 80 percent of show leads to 87 percent of major studio directors. Ninety-three percent of major TV show creators and 92 percent of writers of top films are white. The overwhelming majority of their political donations go to liberals.

In view of these attainments and the influence of white liberals, wouldn’t it be natural that they should show a preference for their own group as do all other ethnic groups? And it seems that they do. They tend to affiliate with and to hire people like themselves. That’s why we find such a great disparity in their favor within the elite sectors of Western society. Nevertheless, while white liberals express a marked preference for other groups, they also express greater levels of intolerance for their ideas. Carl reports:

·       According to a 2018 survey by the Voter Study Group, just 43 percent of Democrats vs. 70 percent of Republicans believe people should be able to express “offensive opinions.” Yet young white liberals are far less likely than older liberals to approve of such speech. Just 36 percent believe in freedom of speech for those who hold unpopular opinions, while 51 percent are opposed. The problem is getting worse.

With such a high degrees of intolerance for “offensive opinions,” don’t be surprised that the Mainstream Media will only promote ideas that they consider non-offensive.

It seems that if you agree with the views of most white liberals (think leftists), they will favor you, but if you don’t, they will wash their hands of you.

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