Monday, August 23, 2021




The documentary, “Better Left Unsaid,” by Curt Jaimungal, spells out the basic tenants of Woke Ideology (CRT):
1.     “Evidence of oppression is the inequality between groups” If the designated “oppressed” group does on average worse in some regard than the designated “oppressor” group, that is taken as virtually unassailable proof of “oppression.”
2.     “Oppressed” have a uniquely valuable perspective on reality unavailable to the “oppressors.” Consequently, the white “oppressor” must learn in silence.
3.     “Peaceful dialog and understanding between the groups is impossible since the dominant group’s strategy is to retain its power.” Any challenge to the ideology is labeled as self-serving or even as an assault on the “oppressed.”
4.     “Violence is justified to eradicate the inequities.”
Let’s enlarge on these four tenants:
1.     Inequality may result from racism, but it also can result from many other factors. The fact that the NBA is over-represented by blacks doesn’t mean that there is a prejudice against whites.
However, Critical Race Theory always seeks to undermine the prevailing system through unrelenting criticism, whether true or false. Pastor Erwin Lutzer has warned: “What people must understand is that we're living at a time when the conflict and the racial accusations that are being made are intentional, with no hope or desire of any reconciliation or mutual understanding,”
To neutralize any opposition to CRT, their proponents discount any scholarship. In “The Key Writings that Formed the Movement”—Kimberlé Crenshaw has written: “Scholarship about race in America can never be written from a distance of detachment or with an attitude of objectivity. . . . Scholarship—the formal production, identification, and organization of what will be called ‘knowledge’—is inevitably political.”
According to CRT, everything ia merely a struggle for power. In Fault Lines, Voddie Baucham, has provided an accurate portrait of CRT’s strategy to vilify the “oppressors”: “Systemic racism is the cause of disparities. If you doubt that, it is because you are a racist who wants to protect your power and keep those disparities in place. This has to be true because, if you were not racist, you would know that the cause of disparities is… racism.”
2.     While the oppressed might have a unique and revealing perspective, so do all of us. It is not right to give one color group priority over others.
Ibram X. Kendi, the author of the best-seller, How to Be an Anti-Racist, claims that racism is necessary: “the only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination. The only remedy to present discrimination is future discrimination.”
Rather than resorting to racist discrimination, the Biblical answer is love:
·       For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another. For the whole law is fulfilled in one word: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” (Galatians 5:13-14)
Once humanity is separated into two entirely distinct groups with unchanging qualities, we begin to blame all our problems on the “oppressors.” Of course, this eventually lead to violence. However, the Bible provides us with the necessary understanding to regard humanity as one:
·       “Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed, for God made man in his own image.” (Genesis 9:6)
Because each of us is created in the likeness of God, each is supremely valued by God.
3.     While it is true that people are often motivated to maintain power and control, to judge all whites and at all times as “guilty” goes against justice, which requires witnesses and evidence. Simple indicting an entire group of people, without evidence is unjust. Judging the alleged motives of others is a matter of bearing false witness and showing racial partiality:

·       “You shall do no injustice in court. You shall not be partial to the poor or defer to the great, but in righteousness shall you judge your neighbor.” (Leviticus 19:15)
However, to defend their judgments, Woke ideologues even deny the existence of objective principles of justice. A Critical Race Theory (CRT) founder, Derrick Bell, wrote, "The whole liberal worldview of private rights and public sovereignty mediated by the rule of law needed to be exploded."
CRT placards cry out “No Justice, No Peace.” However, for them, justice is a matter of destroying everything and replacing it with Marxism. It is their placard that calls for destruction if they do not get what they want. However, history has thoroughly discounted this hope. Instead, the wisdom of the Bible counsels the very opposite hope:
·       “Be subject for the Lord’s sake to every human institution, whether it be to the emperor as supreme, or to governors as sent by him to punish those who do evil and to praise those who do good. For this is the will of God, that by doing good you should put to silence the ignorance of foolish people.” (1 Peter 2:13–15)
Nor is condemnation of whites justified. Shelby Steele is a Senior Fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution. In White Guilt: How Blacks and Whites Together Destroyed the Promise of the Civil Rights Era, Steele argues that the black community now suffers more through paternalistic programs and the victimization narrative than from their Jim Crow legacy:
·       What I've encountered in my life, most often in the white world, is good will, is people have who have wanted to help me. When I was younger and starting a career, people who mentored me, who really felt it was important to give me the best opportunity to pursue my dreams. And my sense is that that's really been an experience for most blacks who have tried to venture out and develop themselves…
·       One of the most remarkable things in all of human history is the degree of moral evolution, that white Americans have made from the mid-60s to this day. No group of people in history have morally evolved away from a social evil that quickly and to that degree in this sort of short span of time. And very often, in our calculations in thinking about race, we don't give whites credit for that.
4.      CRT will resort to violence and coercion. Even the cultural Marxist of the Frankfort School, Max Horkheimer, had written “It is not economics that creates oppression but rather the nuclear family, traditional institutions, traditional morality and concepts of race, gender and sexual identity. These are the chains of tyranny which must be broken by revolution.”
While the violence of BLM and Antifa is grossly under-reported, evidently it is growing quickly with the encouragement of the present system. Meanwhile, CRT has taken control of many of our institutions:
·       What does critical race theory look like in practice? Last year, I authored a series of reports focused on critical race theory in the federal government. The FBI was holding workshops on intersectionality theory. The Department of Homeland Security was telling white employees that they were committing “microinequities” and had been “socialized into oppressor roles.” The Treasury Department held a training session telling staff members that “virtually all white people contribute to racism” and that they must convert “everyone in the federal government” to the ideology of “antiracism.” And the Sandia National Laboratories, which design America’s nuclear arsenal, sent white male executives to a three-day re-education camp where they were told that “white male culture” was analogous to the “KKK,” “white supremacists” and “mass killings.” The executives were then forced to renounce their “white male privilege” and to write letters of apology to fictitious women and people of color.
Shelby Steele is a Senior Fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution. In White Guilt: How Blacks and Whites Together Destroyed the Promise of the Civil Rights Era, Steele argues that the black community now suffers more through paternalistic programs and the victimization narrative than from their Jim Crow legacy:
·       What I've encountered in my life, most often in the white world, is good will, is people have who have wanted to help me. When I was younger and starting a career, people who mentored me, who really felt it was important to give me the best opportunity to pursue my dreams. And my sense is that that's really been an experience for most blacks who have tried to venture out and develop themselves…
·       One of the most remarkable things in all of human history is the degree of moral evolution, that white Americans have made from the mid-60s to this day. No group of people in history have morally evolved away from a social evil that quickly and to that degree in this sort of short span of time. And very often, in our calculations in thinking about race, we don't give whites credit for that.
However, all evil systems have disguised themselves as righteous. Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot are its exemplars. Sadly, our educated youth have become convinced followers.
Monique Duson had been a staunch of CRT follower. However, she had had a change of heart”
·       “[CRT] is usually done or embraced from a posture that is very compassionate and wanting to do good.”…“Jesus is our only hope for racial unity.”
Marxism and CRT have no room for love and forgiveness, especially for the teachings of Jesus.






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