Friday, December 24, 2021

Bible Courses via Zoom


Dear Brethren,

Free Eight Week Courses with ample opportunities for Q&As are starting January 2022 via Zoom:
                 Mondays, 7 PM: January 10: Hebrew Prophets
                 Tuesdays, 7 PM: January 11: Hebrew Poetic Books (Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Job)
                 Thursdays, 8 AM: January 13: Hebrew Prophets  (The times are all Eastern Standard)
There will be no required reading or exams. However, a commitment to regularly attend is a must.
Registration: I will only need your email. If I don’t already have it, you can email it to me. Please also invite others to register if they have a sincere interest.
Bio: I had taught at the New York School of the Bible for 30 years and on the mission field. I am also the author of numerous books available on Amazon and Kindle.

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