Saturday, October 15, 2022




Agnostic Physicist Marcelo Gleiser has stated (

·       “I honestly think atheism is inconsistent with the scientific method. What I mean by that is, what is atheism? It’s a statement, a categorical statement that expresses belief in nonbelief. “I don’t believe even though I have no evidence for or against, simply I don’t believe.”

While I am not in total agreement with this statement, it is suggesting something important. Since atheists deny ID without any evidence and have exclusively adopted naturalistic explanations without evidence, they approach science with a bias.

If anything, the thoughtful investigator shouldn’t rule out any possible explanations without evidence to do so. Nor should they accept any explanations (naturalistic) without evidence.


Because of this, atheists approach science with a massive bias, which they are unwilling to acknowledge and which colors and controls all their thinking.

Why the bias? If it doesn’t come from science and rationality, it must come from a distaste for God. But why not because of a distaste for the belief in God?  People have many errant and distasteful beliefs. However, we do not define ourselves in terms of their distasteful beliefs, especially those we regard as false. Consequently, I’ve never encountered a group devoted to proving that fairies or Zeus do not exist!


Why then the preoccupation with the God of the Bible, while other gods seem to get a free-pass. Here are some reasons:


·       We fear that this God exists.

·       We know that a just and righteous God makes demands upon our lives, as our Creator will.

·       We therefore know that He will condemn us.


What better reasons to devote our lives to finding reasons to reject Him!


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