Sunday, November 13, 2022



Here are some reasons why the supernatural must exist. The natural cannot explain:

1. The origin of something out of nothing.

2. The problem of the illogical infinite regress of causes. Therefore, Something or someone (an adequate Cause) must have existed eternally.

3. The existence, origin, elegance, and changelessness of the “natural” laws. Some other form of explanation distinct from naturalism is necessary.

4. The fine-tuning of the universe.

5. Evidence for de-evolution instead of evolution - life from non-life, consciousness from non-consciousness, order, freewill, and stability and harmony from molecules-in-motion.

6. While laws can affect matter, they cannot create it. In fact, matter and energy cannot be created or destroyed.

7. The ubiquitous evidences of design and the entire lack of evidence for non-design.

These considerations point to the superiority of the ID paradigm. To scorn it is also to scorn and to demean ourselves and the meaning of our lives.



  1. Outstanding! Nails the issue with the most refined, succinct yet undeniable logic.

  2. Thanks Dianne. In the end, the truth will win out! Meanwhile, mankind has little stomach for truth unless it can be used to forward our own agenda.
