My Response to a Skeptic who had Rejected my Objective Arguments for the Existence of God:
Perhaps you might be more responsive to my more personal and subjective reasons to believe in Christ. However, I usually don’t lead with these evidences because the skeptic can always retort, “Well, that’s your experience. There is no reason to regard it as any more valid than anyone else’s experience.” However, in the hope that you might be somewhat responsive, I’ll relate some events to you.
We still had prayer in the public school system when I was in 1st and 2nd grades. I learned the 23rd Psalm and the Lord’s Prayer, which I took to bed with me at night. I would clasp my hands together and repeat what I had learned, sealing it off in “Jesus’ Name!” I had some wonderful answers to prayer, which I kept to myself.
When I was eight, the understanding that I was Jewish and that Jews didn’t do this type of thing intruded into my thinking. Consequently, I placed my ethnicity above the fact that I had experienced a number of miraculously answered prayers, and rejected Jesus, thereby condemning myself to a lonely life of depression, shame and anxiety.
This began to change after I incurred a serious chainsaw injury, which left me in a pool of blood, thinking that the next breath would be my last. Suddenly, I knew that someone else was with me! I was so overcome with joy, peace and love that I laughed at the prospect of death. I knew that God was there, that He loved me, and that I was totally under His protection. This joy was so intense that I cried out, “God, I don’t care if I loose both arms and legs as long as I can have You!”
This wasn’t the first time that I had been visited by such a profound love, joy, and peace. As a college student, I lifted my head from study and marveled to find myself overcome by this same experience. It lasted until the next morning and banished the interest I had had in the occult. I didn’t know what it was. The only thing that I knew was that I had nothing to do with it, in contrast to the occult rituals and incantations.
I was visited one other time after a Christian had prayed for me. Although I had regarded myself as a “seeker,” I was so closed that I couldn’t even begin to consider the connection between his prayer and the divine visitation. Instead, I thought that it was a matter of mind-over-matter, but as hard as I’d try, I was unable to conjure up that experience.
Four days later upon leaving the hospital, the joy had almost come to an end. Desperately, I vowed, “God, I just want You, and I’ll leave no stone unturned until I find you.” The one stone I had always avoided was Christianity.
However, the neighbors who had miraculously rescued me brought me some Christian books to read. They talked about a God of love who had died for us while we were His enemies, a God who would never leave nor forsake us, a God who completely forgave our sins. This sounded like the God I had encountered, but I didn’t want to make any hasty moves, least of all towards Christianity.
It required months of divine guidance through Scripture and His response to my prayers before I could even come to a fledgling faith.
I’m reluctant to say more, lest you might think that you need to have the same experiences that I had in order to enter into a relationship with Christ. Perhaps I needed these more than others because I had been so hostile to Christianity and the idea of faith?
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