Monday, July 30, 2018


Every law and every value discriminate. If we value health foods over fast foods, we discriminate against fast foods.

However, this is not a matter of discriminating against others, the prime concern about discrimination. However, we also legitimately discriminate between the innocent and the guilty - the very essence of justice. We justly discriminate between the victimized and the victimizer.

We therefore must conclude that some forms of discrimination are necessary and just. However, there is growing disagreement about which forms. For example:

Two opposing forms of discrimination are at play here - discrimination against faith-based adoption agencies and discrimination against adopting out children to gay couples. Which form of discrimination is legitimate and which isn’t? How are we to decide this question?

At least for now, there is general agreement that the main concern should be the welfare of the children. In this regard, we have long and legitimately discriminated in favor of those families that could best provide for the welfare of the vulnerable.

Statistics have long demonstrated that homosexuality is strongly associated with many risk factors which will negatively impact children under their care, like high incidences of STDs, suicide, divorce, attenuated lifespans, substance abuse, mental health issues, and even domestic violence. On top of these, there are many reasons to believe that this self-destructive lifestyle will be normalized in the eyes of their children.

In light of these considerations, if we care, we will try to ensure that the vulnerable will receive the most optimal placements.

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