Sunday, April 29, 2018


We are a product of our society – our media, educational system, our families, and even our peer groups. As a result, we have inherited its biases. Consequently, those who are more introspective attempt to identify their culturally conditioned biases so that they can rise above them.

However, these biases are so deeply engrained that we are barely aware of them. For example, people are often surprised when I challenge them to point out just one thing that has ever happened naturally (without intelligent and design)? At first, they think I am crazy. They respond:

·       Four hundred years of science has conclusively demonstrated that effects are the result of natural causes described by the laws of science.

I then challenge them to prove that the laws of science are natural and without design. Of course, they cannot! Instead, these laws give every evidence of an intelligent origin and maintenance:

·       They are elegant, and explosions do not create elegance of the precise formulas describing these laws.

·       They are unchanging in this world of continuous change. This suggests that their sustenance and immutability are to be found outside this world.

·       They are universal. These causes affect the entire universe in a uniform and predictable way, suggesting that they do not emanate locally but transcendentally.  In contrast, causal agents of this universe are local and their effects are not uniform. Think of traveling away from a radio station. The impulse becomes increasingly less.

In defense, the one who is convinced of natural causation might offer the case of crystals or snowflakes, claiming that they naturally develop. However, they must still contend with the phenomena of laws of science upon which these formations rest.

It comes down to this – there is no evidence that anything happens naturally, without intelligence. Why then are people so assured that there is evidence for naturalism? It’s a pervasive cultural bias promoted in our centers of education and media.

There are many such biases promoted in the university as truth, such as:

1.    Faith is no more than a blind leap into the darkness.
2.    There is no evidence for God and for His Bible.
3.    You just have to find what is right for you. (as if there aren’t any common moral and spiritual laws/principles that impact all of us like gravity).
4.    Morality is relative.
5.    The meaning of life is just something that we have to create for ourselves.

Try going to a university and questioning any of these “truths.”

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