Sunday, May 3, 2020


Ordinarily, we do not hate what we do not think exists or we don’t understand. Instead, we hate what we do understand and what constitutes a threat to us.

Why do they seem to have the bulk of their hatred reserved for the God of the Bible? Because this is the God in whom they had once “believed” and who would now judge them for their refusal to come to Him to find His mercy. They therefore dread Him and gather together to denigrate Him, the One whose existence they deny.

How do we express our hatred towards Him? One way is to find fault with the Biblical account of God, by demonstrating that He is immoral and, therefore, is not qualified to judge. They commonly invoke the Fall, the Flood, and the immorality of a final judgment. One respondent mentioned Onan, who God killed for not impregnating his deceased brother’s wife. I responded:

“In hope that you have a desire for truth beneath your scorn, I will take a minute to answer.

God did not kill Onan because he spilled seed but because he disobeyed God and knew better. There are also explanations for other things about God that might trouble you.

If we really want to know the truth of God, we also recognize that not everything will be amenable to our limited knowledge. Therefore, we love Him, not because of the many things we do not understand about Him but because of what we do understand.

It’s the same thing for science. We don’t believe in science because it all makes sense to us but because of the good we have found in science. In fact, science is even unable to answer the basic questions, like what is light, matter, space, and time. Science even derives what seems to us to be contradictory findings. Yet, we don’t reject science.

Consequently, the reason that you deny the existence of God is not because you cannot understand Him in His entirety or have proof of His non-existence, but because you do not like what you do understand about Him. You do not like the fact that He is a righteous God who will judge you for your sins, as you already know in your conscience.”

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