Thursday, March 28, 2024



Does science provide any evidence for the existence of anything natural—what exists and occurs naturally—as the atheist claims? Not in the slightest! Instead, in every way, even science points to its Creator. If this is God’s world, this leaves no room for anything that had occurred naturally. We are surrounded by evidences of His Intelligent design:

1. The profound elegance of its laws (e=mc2, Demonstrating the Unity of all Creation)

2. Their Immutability in a World of Continual Change, suggesting that it is sustained by the Transcendent ID

3. Their Harmony, Predictability and Universality (they operate the same way throughout the world, transcending all geographic boundaries)

4. The Stability and Beauty of its objects (atoms, molecules do not fly apart) and Laws governing how they Interact.

5. The Minds, Math, and Logic enabling us to Comprehend the Evidence for Creation

Must we then bring these truths back to the Gospel? I think so! Ignorance of these truths is a willful and culpable rejection of the obvious—an Intelligent Designer. It is also a self-imposed sentence of death--a desire to remain in the darkness.



NJP said...

Do you think that in an ongoing dialogue with an atheist, ( who believes that Christians have created a god as an explanation for things that scientists have not yet understood) that Isaiah 55: 8,9
is a good passage to direct her to read for herself ?

NJP said...

She recently handed me a book to look at entitled ' Away With All Gods '. I browsed thru it and gave it back to her. I expect to have more conversations with her but I'm not confident about my wisdom in what to say to her. She appears to be a few years older than me. I have been praying about these things.

Daniel Mann said...

NLP, God has to open her heart to believe. She's dug-in. No argument will make a difference to her. Just share your testimony with her. If she shows no sympathy, she might just be too hardened right now. Perhaps God might work on her though.

NJP said...

Thank you, - your wisdom is a special blessing.

Daniel Mann said...

Only by God's mercies!