Wednesday, September 5, 2018


What does justice require? Equal outcomes or equal opportunity? Here are several reasons that justice should not be responsible for equal outcomes:

IT IS NOT JUST TO PROVIDE FOR THE PERSON WHO REFUSES TO WORK! A meaningful and just equality allows us to reap what we sow. Besides, the sight of lazy people receiving what hard-workers receive will cause bitterness, cynicism, and more laziness.

PROVIDING FOR EQUAL OUTCOMES (INCOME) PLACES GREAT CONTROL IN THE POWER OF THE GOVERNMENT. However, history has consistently ruled against government control. In most cases, it required genocide and extreme coercion to maintain the system, but some were always more equal than others.

The Israeli Kibbutz was probably the most successful example of radical Marxism, because it was a voluntary and democratic community. However, all of the kibbutzim have eventually rejected many of their Marxist features. Most have rejected all of them.

UNIVERSALLY, THE PEOPLE HAVE BEEN DISEMPOWERED AND DE-MOTIVATED BY SUCH GOVERMENTAL CONTROL. Therefore, all such experiments have been modified or have failed.

I AM NOT AWARE OF ANY EVIDENCE THAT MARXISM HAS PRODUCED A WORKERS PARADISE. Instead of building close-knit comrades, eventually Marxism bred decay, suspicion, and social distance.

The famous abolitionist, Frederick Douglass, wisely recommended for his own people truths that pertain to all of us:

·       Everybody has asked the question. . ."What shall we do with the Negro?" I have had but one answer from the beginning. Do nothing with us! Your doing with us has already played the mischief with us. Do nothing with us! If the apples will not remain on the tree of their own strength, if they are wormeaten at the core, if they are early ripe and disposed to fall, let them fall! I am not for tying or fastening them on the tree in any way, except by nature's plan, and if they will not stay there, let them fall. And if the Negro cannot stand on his own legs, let him fall also. All I ask is, give him a chance to stand on his own legs! Let him alone!

Instead, help must be offered lovingly, humbly, personally, and with great discernment lest those helped be hurt. The government cannot fulfill these requirements. Nor should justice require compulsory income equality.

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