Sunday, September 16, 2018


Jim Evans's photo.

The drunk might have his moments of elation, however it comes at great cost. If my experience is any indication of the benefits of a life with Christ, then it is safe to say that the Christian need not worry about DTs, drunken stupors, vomiting his guts out, and loosing everything he has held dear.

Why then is the Christian happier? It is not because the world loves them or because he has more than others. Instead, being a Christian is like eating fresh and natural food and feeling better for it.

Why should eating wholesome food make us feel better? Simply this - we were designed to eat such food instead of junk, highly-processed foods. Why does the Christian feel better than the atheist? Perhaps because we are consuming the thoughts that had been intended for us! And perhaps because the atheist is consuming beliefs that fail to contribute to his welfare! Here are just a few atheistic beliefs for your consideration:

EVOLUTION - We demean ourselves when we believe that we are just a purposeless and meaningless product of mindless forces.

AN INDIFFERENT COSMOS - We cannot feel at home in world that doesn't give a hoot about us.

MORAL RELATIVISM - We need morality, but a morality that we just make up will not provide us with the purpose and conviction that we need in order to live according to our conscience.

SECULAR HUMANISM (SELF-CENTEREDNESS) - By rejecting God, the atheist lives in a universe where he is all-important. He must believe and trust in himself. Consequently, atheism is only for those who regard themselves highly rather than humbly. Therefore, they must always deceive themselves and the world that they are worthy of this exalted status. How much easier to be transparent and real about our true status.

Our beliefs matter, profoundly and intimately!

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