Monday, December 14, 2020

The Failure of Naturalistic Evolution as a Viable Theory



There are many compelling reasons to believe in the supernatural. It seems that we must resort to the supernatural to explain the origin and sustenance of:
·       The Material World
·       Freewill and Consciousness
·       The “Natural”
·       The Elegant and Immutable Laws of Science
·       The Fine-Tuning of the Universe
·       The Many Appearances of Design
·       Life, the Cell, DNA
All of these defy mathematical probability. As soon as we open our eyes, the evidences assaults us. In light of these phenomena and many other considerations, it is amazing to me that there are atheists.
For a theory to be viable, it must be able to account for all the facts within its domain. Naturalistic evolution can only begin to offer an explanation once life already exists. However, it utterly fails to account for the origins of life, the universe, its fine-tuning, the elegant laws of science, freewill, consciousness, and even objective moral truths and the meaning of life.
Therefore, Christians conclude, along with our Bible, that the reason for atheism is not a lack of evidence but of a deeper and spiritual problem.

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