Wednesday, October 25, 2017


Certainly not! In fact, Christian theologians have often made mention of God’s two “books” – the Scriptures and His “book” of creation or revelation through what he has made. And we believe that, if understood as intended, these two “books” are without contradiction. Therefore, we do not fear that true science will oppose what He has written.

His book of creation is a revelation that had propelled many Christians into the sciences to uncover the majestic workings of God through His creation. However, the myth of an intrinsic opposition between science and the Bible has been virulently perpetuated by evolutionists looking to squelch any opposition to their theory. Philosopher and atheist Michael Ruse has written:

·       “Most people think that science and religion are, and necessarily must be, in conflict. In fact, this ‘warfare’ metaphor, so beloved of nineteenth-century rationalists, has only a tenuous application to reality. For most of the history of Christianity, it was the Church that was the home of science . . . the arrival of evolution, particularly in the form of Charles Darwin’s Origin of the Species, put this tolerance to severe test. But without denying that there were strong opinions on both sides, the truth seems to be that much of the supposed controversy was a function of the imagination of non-believers (especially Thomas Henry Huxley and his friends), who were determined to slay theological dragons whether they existed or not.”. (The Philosophy of Biology, 1998, pg. 671)

However, this form of “tarring and feathering” of macroevolution-deniers continues. On countless occasions, I and other Christians have been smeared as “science-deniers” because we rejected this one highly problematic but militant theory. However, many courageous evolutionists have also called into question this theory. The atheist Ruse even claims that it is being proselytized as if it were a religion:

·       “Evolution came into being as a kind of secular ideology, an explicit substitute for Christianity…an ideology, a secular religion—a full-fledged alternative to Christianity, with meaning and morality... Evolution is a religion.”

This should wake us up to the fact that this isn’t the science that the evolution establishment claims that it is.

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