Wednesday, October 2, 2019


By rejecting the Biblical revelation of the primacy of humanity over the animal kingdom, cat claws are now favored over human lives.

New York governor Andrew M. Cuomo recently signed legislation (S.5532B/A.1303) banning the declawing cats:

·       "Declawing is a cruel and painful procedure that can create physical and behavioral problems for helpless animals, and today it stops," Governor Cuomo said. "By banning this archaic practice, we will ensure that animals are no longer subjected to these inhumane and unnecessary procedures."

However, Cuomo recently celebrated the passage of his bill permitting late term abortion, even to the point of infanticide, a highly inhumane, “cruel and painful procedure,” not to mention murder:

·       Former abortionist, Dr. Anthony Levatino describes what happens during a late-term, Dilation-and-Extraction abortion: A dismemberment abortion, he explained, involves reaching into a woman’s uterus with forceps and “grabbing whatever is there. Maybe you rip off a leg, which is about four-inches long,” then you pull out “an arm, the spine. The skull is the most difficult part. Sometimes there’s a little face staring up at you.” He understandably called it “an absolutely brutal procedure, in which a living human being is torn to pieces.”

Why would the heart of Cuomo and many others go out to cat claws and not to the life of an innocent human being? Not only does this demonstrate a twisted sense of compassion, it also reflects a moral befuddlement. Perhaps he might even criminalize swatting mosquitoes or exterminating termites, and why not, if he values cat claws over human babies.

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