Sunday, December 22, 2019


In “The Watchmaker Argument Refuted,” P. W. Atkins had written in 1994 that the argument for the existence of God from design was circular:

·       This argument is a circular argument. It assumes that the universe, black holes, stars, planets, snowflakes, life etc are created. Actually physics, chaos theory and evolutionary theory tell us how most complex things in the world could have evolved on their own, without any help from any "watchmaker".

However, Atkins has assumed that physics is un-designed, despite its immutability; uniformity, and its elegant descriptive equations, which reek of design. He also assumes that material objects, the building blocks, are also un-designed. However, even the smallest atom represents a marvel of design and unfathomable engineering. As a result, every finding of science is predicated upon what God has given to the scientist.

Instead, there is not one shred of evidence that even one object in this cosmos is un-designed or that anything has every taken place without design.

Furthermore, many atheistic scientists have become theists by virtue of the evidence of design:

Former atheist and astronomer Alan Sandage wrote:

·        "As I said before, the world is too complicated in all of its parts to be due to chance alone. I am convinced that the existence of life with all its order in each of its organisms is simply too well put together. . . . The more one learns of biochemistry the more unbelievable it becomes unless there is some kind of organizing principle—an architect."

In "There is a God: How the World’s Most Notorious Atheist Changed His Mind," Antony Flew concluded that DNA requires an intelligent cause:

·       “It now seems to me that the findings of more than fifty years of DNA research have provided materials for a new and enormously powerful argument to design.”

·       “I now believe there is a God…I now think it [the evidence] does point to a creative Intelligence almost entirely because of the DNA investigations. What I think the DNA material has done is that it has shown, by the almost unbelievable complexity of the arrangements which are needed to produce life, that intelligence must have been involved in getting these extraordinarily diverse elements to work together."

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