Thursday, February 10, 2022



It is common to hear people talk about positivity in such glowing terms:
·       I am a body of positivity. I let go of any negative thoughts and emotions. I cast out all the negativity that surrounds me and invite all the spirits of positivity and happiness.
However, the Biblical ideal isn’t positivity. Instead, it is truth – to see things as they really are. It’s like driving a car. It’s not a matter of positively but of seeing clearly and accurately so that you can make the right decisions.
Truth pertains to all areas of life – relationships, morality, auto maintenance, and even spirituality. There is a place for positivity, but it shouldn’t apply to giving a positive recommendation for a housekeeper who has been stealing from you. Nor should it apply to your wife who tells you she is leaving you because of your extra-marital relationships.

Regarding spiritual matters - I am amazed by the thousands of young women who are pouring into witchcraft groups. Almost all of them believe that there are evil spirits, but their positivity has led them to believe that they can control them or at least recognize and avoid their oppression by simply using crystals and herbs.
A rejection of the negative – the dangers and even those things we need to change – is like trying to fly a plane with only one wing. It is like putting out a welcome mat for the various threats looking for suckers.

I try to inject a pinch of wisdom. However, my words fail to pass the positivity test.

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