Why am I writing another paper that will bring all manner of charges against me - “homophobe,” “hate-monger”…? Because so many voices charge that Christ and His teachings are the problem and not the answer! I feel strongly that this charge must be contested. Instead, I want to argue that gays are trapped in a self-destructive cycle of behavior, which serves to kill them in many ways. It is my hope that they will seek the ultimate answer that is only found in the Savior who dearly loves them. I will merely cite studies, most of which I have gleaned from www.NARTH.com. (For other sources, visit www.PFOX.org and Exodus International.)
• Study published in International Journal of Epidemiology revealed 20-year-old Gay and bisexual men in a Canadian metropolis face life expectancy 8-20 years less than that of heterosexual men in same environment. Report concluded Gay and bisexual men now face life expectancy rate similar to rates experienced by all Canadian men in 1871. (“Modeling the Impact of HIV Disease on Mortality in Gay and Bisexual Men,” International Journal of Epidemiology #26, 1997.)
• A new study which analyzed tens of thousands of gay obituaries and compared them with AIDS deaths data from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), has shown that the life expectancy for homosexuals is about twenty years shorter than that of the general public. The study, entitled “Gay obituaries closely track officially reported deaths from AIDS”, has been published in Psychological Reports (2005;96:693-697).
• According to Journal of Clinical Pathology, homosexuals are 3.7 times more likely to be infected with gonorrhea than heterosexuals. According to their findings, 15.2% of homosexuals suffer pharyngeal (throat) gonorrhea. (“Value of Screening for Oropharyngeal Chlamydia Trachomatis Infection,” Journal of Clinical Pathology, 1995, p. 658.)
• Centers for Disease Control reports men who have sex with men at a dramatically increased risk to contract Hepatitis B. (“Viral Hepatitis B: Frequently Asked Questions,” National Center for Infectious Diseases,” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, September 29, 2000.)
• “Syphilis cases rose in 2003 for the third consecutive year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Gay men made up 60% of syphilis cases, compared with 5% in 1999. HIV diagnoses increased 17% among gay and bisexual men in 29 states between 1999 and 2002.” (Todd Henneman, “Scared of Sex,” The Advocate, August 17, 2004.)
• Reporting in the American Journal of Epidemiology, Dr. Donald R. Hoover said that a 20-year-old homosexual man, by time he reaches age 55, has 50% chance of becoming infected with HIV.
• Study published in Archives of General Psychiatry, followed 1,007 individuals from birth. Revealed those classifying themselves as Gay, lesbian, or bisexual faced a significantly higher likelihood of suicide. Another study published in same publication, scientists determined that twins engaged in Gay lifestyle are 6.5 times more likely to commit suicide than heterosexual counterparts. (“Is Sexual Orientation Related to Mental Health Problems and Suicidality in Young People?” Archives of General Psychiatry #56, October 1999, pp. 876-884.)
• Study published in the December 2003 British Journal of Psychiatry, Gay men are significantly more likely to suffer from mental disorders than heterosexual men, less likely to be involved in a steady relationship with one partner, more likely to have used drugs within the preceding 30 days, far more likely to abuse their partner, and more likely to inflict harm upon themselves. Same was true for comparisons between heterosexual women and lesbians. (M. King, E. McKeown, J. Warner, A. Ramsay, K. Johnson, C. Cort, L. Wright, R. Blizard, and O. Davidson, “Mental Health and Quality of Life of Gay Men and Lesbians in England and Wales,” British Journal of Psychiatry (December 2003), pp. 183, 552-558.)
• Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology conducted national survey of 2,000 lesbian women. Results: 75% had pursued psychological counseling at one point. Eighteen percent had previously attempted suicide. (“National Lesbian Health Care Survey: Implications for Mental Health Care,” Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology #62, 1994, p. 239.)
• 1998 issue American Journal of Public Health reported: “a greater-than-seven-fold increase” of suicide attempts among Gay and bisexual males. (Source: “The Relationship Between Suicide Risk and Sexual Orientation: Results of a Population-Based Study,” American Journal of Public Health, 1998.)
• A new study in the United Kingdom has revealed that homosexuals are about 50% more likely to suffer from depression and engage in substance abuse than the rest of the population, reports Health24.com. After analyzing 25 earlier studies on sexual orientation and mental health, researchers, in a study published in the medical journal BMC Psychiatry, also found that the risk of suicide jumped over 200% if an individual had engaged in a homosexual lifestyle.
• Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychologists reported: “lesbian” women face higher rates of alcohol abuse. 19.4% of lesbian women engaged in “binge drinking” (compared with 11.7% of heterosexual women). 7% of lesbians considered “heavy drinkers” as opposed to only 2.7% of heterosexual women. (SOURCE: “Study: Alcohol Use More Prevalent for Lesbians,” The Washington Blade, a Gay publication, January 12, 2001, p. 21.)
• Study published by Nursing Research found lesbian women 3 times more likely to abuse alcohol and suffer addictions to other chemical substances. (“Sexually Transmitted Infections and Risk Behaviors in Women Who Have Sex with Women,” Sexually Transmitted Infections, July 2000.)
• “Among men, by far the most important risk group consisted of homosexual and bisexual men, who were more than 9 times as likely as heterosexual men to have a history of problem drinking.” (Karen Paige Erickson and Karen F. Trocki, “Sex, Alcohol, and Sexually Transmitted Diseases: A National Survey,” Family Planning Perspectives #26, December 1994.)
• Survey of 1,099 lesbians, the Journal of Social Service Research: slightly more than half of lesbians reported abuse by female lover/partner. Researchers found “the most frequently indicated forms of abuse were verbal/emotional/psychological abuse and combined physical-psychological abuse. (Gwat Yong Lie and Sabrina Gentlewarrier, “Intimate Violence in Lesbian Relationships: Discussion of Survey Findings and Practice Implications,” Journal of Social Service Research, 1991.)
• The habit of "self-harming" is 50 times more likely to occur in lesbians than in the general population of women, a Scottish study has shown. 20 per cent of lesbian and bisexual women, of a total of 500 women surveyed in Scotland had deliberately harmed themselves in the last year, compared to 0.4 per cent of the general population.
• In their book, Men Who Beat the Men Who Love Them, authors report, “The incidence of domestic violence among gay men is nearly double that in the heterosexual population.”(David Island and Patrick Letellier, Men Who Beat the Men Who Love Them: Battered Gay Men and Domestic Violence, New York: Hayworth Press, 1991, p. 14.)
• The Advocate, leading periodical within Gay community, released results of survey taken Aug 1994: 57% of Gay men have had sex with more than 30 partners. Survey also revealed 48% of homosexuals had participated in a “three-way” during previous 5-year period. (“The Advocate Sex Poll,” The Advocate, August 1994.)
• Study published in Washington Blade (a Gay newspaper): “The median number of lifetime male sexual partners was significantly greater for women who have sex with women than controls.” Study suggested lesbians or bisexual women average 12 male sexual partners during respective lifetimes, while average heterosexual woman will have “only” six male sexual partners. Research severely impairs claim that people cannot help but be Gay. In fact, lesbians are more heterosexual than heterosexuals. (“Sexually Transmitted Infections and Risk Behaviors in Women Who Have Sex with Women,” Sexually Transmitted Infections, July 2000.)
Some argue that when committed gay relationships fully accepted and social normalized, promiscuity will become greatly reduced.
• July 2000, Vermont legalizes same-sex civil unions. 3 yrs later, U of Vermont conducted poll of state’s Gay men. When asked whether sex outside marriage was immoral, only 34% of these, who claimed to be in committed relationships, found anything wrong with extramarital sex. (Amy Fagan, “Study Finds Gay Unions Brief,” The Washington Times, July 11, 2003.)
• 2003-2004 Gay/Lesbian Consumer Online Census surveyed lifestyles of 7,862 Gays. Of those involved in a “current relationship,” only 15% describe current relationship as having lasted 12 yrs or longer, with only 5% lasting over 20 yrs. (“Largest Gay Study Examines 2004 Relationships,” GayWire Latest Breaking Releases, http://www.glcensus.org.)
• Canadian study of Gay men who had been in committed relationships lasting more than a year found only 25% as being monogamous. Study author Barry Adam: “Gay culture allows men to explore different…forms of relationships besides the monogamy coveted by heterosexuals.” (Ryan Lee, “Gay Couples Likely to Try Non-monogamy, Study Shows,” Washington Blade, a Gay publication, August 22, 2003.)
• One study called conducted by a gay couple (a psychiatrist & psychologist) found of 156 couples studied only seven had maintained sexual fidelity. Of the hundred couples who had been together for more then five years, none had maintained fidelity. The authors concluded “The expectation for outside sexual activity was the rule for male couples and the exception for heterosexuals.” (“The Gay Couple. Homosexuality and the Politics of Truth”)
• Christian ministries ARE enormously successful in helping people abandon the Gay lifestyle. Exodus International, an interdenominational organization, has 135 ministries in 17 different countries. This ministry reports, “Real change is indeed possible. Studies suggesting change rates in the range of 30-50% [of those inquiring about change] are not unusual.” (Exodus International, “What’s your ’success rate’ in changing gays into straights?”, 2004.)
• Robert Spitzer, professor of psychiatry at Columbia University, conducted study based on interviews with 143 men and 57 women who abandoned Gay lifestyle. Each of these, through religious involvement or psychiatric counseling, was able to successfully abandon the Gay lifestyle. Dr. Spitzer, largely responsible for having homosexuality removed from American Psychiatric Association’s list of mental disorders, now believes a person’s perceived sexual orientation is clinically treatable. (“From Gay to Straight? Study: Sexual Orientation Can Be Changed,” ABC News, May 9, 2001.)
• In 2000, scientists conducted similar study of more than 5,000 sets of identical twins in Australia. In overwhelming majority of instances when one of twins was considered homosexual, corresponding “identical” twin was heterosexual. (“Origin of Homosexuality Unresolved Despite Study,” The Washington Times, November 28, 2004.)
Is the church condemning gays to a loveless life of celibacy? Joseph Nicolosi conduced a study, 882 dissatisfied homosexual people, of whom 726 had received therapy from a professional therapist or pastoral counselor:
• Over 67% of the participants indicated they were exclusively or almost exclusively homosexual at one time in their lives, while only 12.8% of them perceived themselves in this manner at the time of the survey. Significantly, 45.4% of the exclusively homosexual participants reported having made major changes in their orientation. On the other hand, 35.1% of the participants were unsuccessful in making significant changes. Those participants who were successful reported statistically significant reductions in the frequency of their homosexual thoughts and fantasies. They also reported significant improvements in other important areas of their lives---particularly, their psychological, interpersonal, and spiritual well-being.
It is argued that since gays aren’t hurting anyone but themselves, they have the right to embrace this lifestyle. However, gay adoption would argue otherwise:
• Walter Schumm (2010), professor at Kansas State University, reviewed not only a larger body of the relevant gay parenting literature and provided statistical analysis, but also examined ethnographic (cultural) data regarding homosexuality as well as 26 research studies on gay parenting that provided data germane to the question of the intergenerational transfer of sexual orientation.
• Schumm’s analyses of the popular gay parenting literature found that between 16% and 57% of children of gay and lesbian parents adopted non-heterosexual identities. Schumm noted that daughters of lesbian mothers were most likely to report non-heterosexual identities, with frequencies of 33% to 57%. This finding appears consistent with the growing literature on the fluidity of same-sex attractions among females.
• Summarizing the findings of his investigation of the past LGB parenting research, Schumm reported that 20.3% of children with LGB parents were non-heterosexual in identity or behavior compared with 4.3% of children with heterosexual parents. This divergence increased to 28.0% when the age of the children was restricted to over 17.
• ...a longitudinal study of lesbian couples reported that 17-year-old daughters of these couples (all planned and conceived via donor insemination) were more likely to engage in same-sex behavior and to identify as bisexual than a comparison group of 17-year-old daughters obtained through a representative sample (Gartrell, Bos, & Goldberg, in press).
• HazteOir, together with the Spanish Forum for the Family and the Institute for Family Policy, has published an in-depth report on the effects that being raised by same-sex parents has on a child…Among children raised by same-sex couples, the report notes a significant increase in low self-esteem, stress, confusion regarding sexual identity, an increase in mental illness, drug use, promiscuity, STD’s, and homosexual behaviour, amongst others. Furthermore, the report shows that statistics have brought to light the fact that same-sex relationships betray a much higher instance of separation and break-up than heterosexual relationships, increasing the likelihood that the child will experience familial instability. The Spanish Association of Pediatrics firmly backs up the findings of the report, stating that a “family nucleus with two fathers or two mothers is clearly dangerous for the child”.
Gay sources admit all of these problems and more.
Here are a set of stats provided by Gens Hellquist, the executive director of the Canadian Rainbow Health Coalition, regarding the status of gays in Canada:
• Life expectancy of gay/bisexual men in Canada is 20 years less than the average; that is 55 years.
• GLB people commit suicide at rates from 2 to 13.9 times more often than average.
• GLB people have smoking rates 1.3 to 3 times higher than average.
• GLB people have rates of alcoholism 1.4 to 7 times higher than average.
• GLB people have rates of illicit drug use 1.6 to 19 times higher than average.
• GLB people show rates of depression 1.8 to 3 times higher than average.
• Gay and bisexual men (MSM) comprise 76.1% of AIDS cases.
• Gay and bisexual men (MSM) comprise 54% of new HIV infections each year.
• If one uses Statistics Canada figure of 1.7% of GLB becoming infected, that is 26 times higher than average.
• GLB people are at a higher risk for anal cancers.
Even where gays have formed an extensive and supportive culture, the suicide rate remains high, suggesting that it is more than just a product of stigmatization:
• A study [conducted by Univ. of Calif, San Francisco] claims that the rate of suicide attempts among homosexuals is three times higher than that of normal males: 12 percent compared to 3 or 4 percent—and that those killing themselves are getting younger.
In the Netherlands, arguably the most gay-friendly nation, statistics aren’t significantly different from those found elsewhere. For instance, in one study, it was found that the,
• average Gay union lasts 1-1/2 years, and Gay participants average 8 additional partners outside these relationships (each year). (Amy Fagan, “Study Finds Gay Unions Brief,” The Washington Times, July 11, 2003.)
Many gays have also sounded the alarm:
• Simon Fanshawe is a writer and broadcaster who created the documentary "The Trouble With Gay Men" after becoming increasingly alarmed at the shallowness and destructiveness of the "gay lifestyle." The film, made for BBC 3 television, questions the emotional and psychological immaturity, narcissism, nihilism and self-destructive tendencies of many in the homosexual community. Fanshawe says he wants homosexual men to "grow up" and get beyond their state of "extended adolescence."
• "Extreme vanity" he says, has been "sewn into gay culture." It "is now so mainstream in the gay community that otherwise intelligent young men are happy to be treated as sex objects on a demeaning meat rack."
• Gay men, he says, are so "hardwired" towards finding casual sexual encounters, some going as far as plastic implants to enhance their appearance, that finding genuine intimacy is "practically impossible."
• "Vast amounts of our leisure time are organised around sex, straight or gay. But what gay men have done is organise our identity around sex. And that is corrosive. And to make things worse, promiscuity has become the norm."
Love requires us to unmask these dangers. If there was no hope, I wouldn’t bother to reproduce these depressing stats. However, there is:
• "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." (Matthew 11:28-30)
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