Tuesday, November 7, 2017


Educated Westerners might believe in the spirit world but tend to be unsuspecting about it. Convinced about the power of love to conquer all, we find the idea of evil spiritual entities unacceptable.

For this reason, I am glad to post this account of experiences with evil entities as a needful wake-up call. It is written by a dear friend whose truthfulness I have not the slightest doubt.

          In my sophomore year in college, a housemate and I were in a store that had lots of board games for sale. Not sure why we had gone into that store anymore. This was 1968 and more than likely we were just buying some health supplies. She saw the game and said we should get it. I knew nothing about it and saw no need for getting it. She kept insisting it was a fun game and we should get it. She did not have enough money with her to pay for it all by herself. She talked me into splitting the cost with her. However, when it came to paying half she reneged and said she would pay me later. She never did.
          Once we got it home I put it in the closet of my room and let it set. Then one day when most our housemates were home, Jill (not real name) suggested that we get the game and all of us play it. Two of our housemates was not there. But five of us were. So Jill explained how the game worked. We took turns playing and the girls were intrigued in how it seemed to work all on it's own, swearing that they were not pushing the gadget around the board spelling answers. They were asking questions about the future and I began feeling this was not a "fun" game. I refused to play, but kept observing. Everything was going just fine. Then one of the two missing housemates came home. The board stopped working. No matter what the question, it would not work. Someone suggested to ask it why it stopped. Just then our lately arrived housemate passed by our room's door. The gadget literally flew across the room to the door and toward our newly arrived housemate. She thought we threw it at her. We all were in a state of shock and denied doing so. She said we should not be playing with that board game. So I packed it up and put it back in the closet. But since I had not participated in actually trying it my curiosity was peeked.
          Some time later, when I was alone in the house, I pulled the game out and put my hands on the gadget to see if it would work for me. I asked some "yes" /"no" questions and discovered that it answered me without me actually pushing the device around on the board. That was enough for me that day. I knew the scripture in Deuteronomy  18:10 "Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft," . So put it back in the closet.
          Then another day my housemates said they had brought the game downstairs, (we lived in a private home with house parents) when no one was home. They were eating snacks and one of the girls had put a coke bottle on top of the TV. Then they asked the Ouiji Board to give them a sign. The coke bottle exploded. Yikes! They had a mess to clean up, but thought just maybe it was a coincidence. So, they tried once again asking for a sign. This time they heard a loud bang downstairs. About that time I came home. They told me what had happened and wanted me to check out what the noise was downstairs. I went down with one of the girls and we found the door of the laundry room had come off its hinges and was lying on the floor. The two of us tried to fix it, but couldn't do it.
So when the lady of the house came home the girls left it to me to explain. I did not tell her about the coke bottle exploding. She went back down to the laundry room and said there was probably a normal explanation. None of the girls wanted to own up to what they has said or done. Her husband was able to put the door back and she warned me and other girls to stop this foolishness.
          Then I heard on campus that some of the students had asked for a sign in the girls dorm and that lights in the hallway blew up starting at one end and going to the other end. No one dared tell what the possible reason might be. It sure got me to thinking there was something supernatural about it.
          Now I should tell you that I was going to a Christian College in Iowa at the time, but not a Christian community that believed in the paranormal. We were required to attend chapel everyday. One day, our house mother's daughter came for a visit and we got to talking. I ended up talking and visiting and it got around to the Ouiji Board. I began telling them about some of the things I had heard. My house mother asked me to show it to her daughter. They were intrigued and asked me to show it to them. So I went back upstairs to my room and got it. We were trying to think of some questions to ask it that were not life changing. We were having a hard time thinking of innocent questions. So, being that I should have been in chapel, I asked if it was wrong for me to miss chapel. It moved under my fingers to "no". In my heart of hearts I knew the answer should have been "yes". It did not prove anything to my housemother and daughter. So I said, "I do not know what kind of car you drive or the color"... and they agreed. I asked the color of the car first. "green" was the answer, and it was correct. They decided that was just luck. So then I asked for the model or type of car. I do not remember now what the answer was. But it was correct. They thought I cheated and had seen the car. I insisted that I had not. So then they asked several questions that they knew I did not know and I still got the correct answer on the board. Then I decided to ask it what made it work. The answer was "Satan". At that point we all decided this was to be gotten rid of. But since it was "mine" they wanted me to do so. That's how it ended up at my parents home back in New Jersey.
          I asked my mother during a phone call if she could go and burn it for me. I don't remember if I told her why, other that it was a bad game and I did not want my siblings to end up playing with it. I believed it was connected with paranormal stuff and demons. Thankfully my mother did burn it right away, and that's when she said it sounded like something was screaming. It scared her.
          I had to ask the Lord to forgive me of messing with demonic activity. For many years after that they would appear from time to time where I could see them. Not that they wanted me to see them. For instance, I saw them dancing with glee on a high school stage when the principal was speaking at a meeting with all the teachers a day or so before school started. It was an orientation for new teachers and student teachers. I saw them and whispered in Jesus name for them to leave and not come back. They stopped in horror and looked at me and then disappeared.
          I saw them in my own home when we had company after church one evening. Ugly dark horrible things. At first I thought they were just shadows, but no they were moving around a specific person. Again I whispered for them to leave in Jesus name and poof they were gone.
          Many years later after we had children, we had a visiting minister come to our church. He had been in the occult and shared way to many details about it. I was glad that I was the only one of the family in the service. He gave everyone there a patch of red felt cloth and told us to put it on the front door of our house to ward away evil spirits. I brought it home that night and put it on top of our refrigerator. I forgot about it.
          Then one day I saw a shadowy figure come up our stairs from downstairs. When it saw that I saw it, it froze. I spoke to it in the authority of Jesus name and commanded it to leave and not come back. In the same timeframe I saw one looking in our front window. I instantly got up and it ran down our lawn toward the garage. I told my husband and he walked around our property rebuking any spirit that might want to be here. We began hearing similar stories from people in our church. Our pastor and elders cleansed the church and the homes of parishioners
who were also having strange things happen in their homes and told us to get rid of the red felt cloth.
          Again in the same time frame, our second son told me that there was a snake in their bedroom closet. He said it only came out at night and that it had shiny green eyes. I told him that because he had Jesus in his heart he could rebuke it in Jesus name and it would have to leave. The next time it showed up he did just that. The next morning he told me he had seen it leave. He was so excited that in Jesus name we have power over evil that wants to scare us.
          The evil spirit realm is real, very real. Many people think that is just superstition. I am thankful that the Lord kept me safe from them, even when I was in college and very dumb about what they can and would like to do. I am thankful that he kept my parents and siblings from harm too. We are blessed to be children of God and protected by the blood of Jesus from Satan and his evil desires for us.

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