Wednesday, November 8, 2017


These laws seem to rule in favor of the biblical revelation and against the theory of evolution.

  First law of thermodynamics [states that] – Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. It can only change forms. In any process, the total energy of the universe remains the same. (All of the following quotations come from this source.)

In simpler terms:

·       “The total amount of energy in an isolated system is conserved.”

·       The energy in a system can be converted to heat or work or other things, but you always have the same total that you started with.

·       As an analogy, think of energy as indestructible blocks. If you have 30 blocks, then whatever you do to or with the blocks you will always have 30 of them at the end. You can’t destroy them, only move them around or divide them up, but there will always be 30. Sometimes you may loose one or more, but they still have to be taken account of because Energy is Conserved.

This finding argues in favor of a sudden creation and against Darwinian gradualisitic evolution of matter and energy. It defies any naturalistic explanation. Despite all of our technological prowess, we cannot add an atom or a cockroach to this universe. It is set, fixed, and unchangeable – a strangely inviolable world temporarily on loan to our ungrateful hands – hardly the product of a chaotic explosion.

In fact, this law stands in defiance of our intelligence, creativity, and will. Perhaps, it serves as a reminder that this universe does not belong to us, but to a Designer who has created a world that surprisingly meets our needs.  

  Second law of thermodynamics [states that] – The entropy of an isolated system not in equilibrium will tend to increase over time, approaching a maximum value at equilibrium.

Entropy is the dissipation of molecules and systems. Mountains erode, gases disperse, suns burn out, and our human genome deteriorates, collecting more and more genetic defects.

According to this law, we should expect to find de-evolution (deterioration or dis-organization) instead of evolution (organization). Consequently:

·       [Evolution] is completely contradicted by the Second Law, which stipulates that all real “systems and processes” including all biological and physical processes, naturally diminish to lower levels of organization and complexity—regardless of whether the system is open or closed.11 According to Dr. R. B. Lindsay, Ph.D. in physics, the Second Law reveals that the “natural tendency of complex, ordered arrangements and systems is to become simpler and more disorderly with time. In summary, there is an irreversible downward trend at work throughout the universe.

Therefore, the findings of entropy align with the biblical account that God had created the universe and described it as “very good,” and it has been going downhill since.

Yet God seems to be still in control. Amidst the growing disorder, we find precise formulas describing this increasing disorder in terms that are unchanging.

Why do these precise formulas remain immutable and universal in a world of growing entropy? This duality speaks of two distinct realities – (1) a mutable physical cosmos (2) determined by the immutable, universal, and elegant laws of science, which point to another reality, a transcendent one.

We demand evidence of God. However, it stares us in the face. We can turn from it but only in the direction of darkness.

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