Wednesday, February 21, 2018


Who can blame our youthful school shooters? They are merely doing what their educated adult role models are doing – killing the young. However, what the abortionist does in a white robe and with a surgical scalpel, convinced that he is doing good, the shooter does convinced that there is no good.

The abortionist operates under veils of deception. He is just removing fetal tissue, right? He is not snuffing out a human life but freeing a mother from an unwanted burden. He is performing a service for society.

The shooter sees through these veils of delusion. He is able to reason, “I am just killing animals, consumers of food and air, beasts that need to make room for other less malignant beasts.

We’ve created the shooter. He is our child, nourished on the food we’ve made available to him, food he has faithfully consumed.

We have taught him, “Values are just relative – just clarify what your values are.” The shooter has faithfully learned this lesson and has dutifully acted upon it.

He is our child, a product of the society which has fed him his dreams and aspirations. He has learned to be true to his own feelings and has achieved the liberation necessary to follow them.

Will we acknowledge that he is our child, raised to fulfill the worldview of his parents? It is a godless worldview. It is a belief that everyone will face the same fate, whether a shooter, an abortionist, or a saint. All will be consumed by insects, whose final gulp will be our absolute end. Who can blame anyone who wants to live his short life authentically, according to his deepest desires? Without God, we cannot blame him.

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