Saturday, December 26, 2020



This idea might sound unbiblical. However, it is not. I’m not saying that we can do this on our own. Instead, the Holy Spirit must be our tutor, in this sometimes arduous search, as He opens our minds to the Truth. This is why the Bible instructs us to use reason with those who are seeking:

·       …in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect. (1 Peter 3:15)
I say this because I have one friend who has been trying to reason his way to the Truth. He now believes in God (with a small “g”). He had written:
·       I would actually argue that the truth generally minimizes harm and maximizes happiness...meaning making someone a little unhappy for a moment to make them happier for the rest of their lives (or a longer time) increases happiness and reduces harm in the long run.   In the few cases where it doesn't, for example, if a man with a gun comes to my door saying he wants to kill some kids, and do I have any, I would certainly lie to him…The short answer is, generally speaking, I seek to understand the truth and share it with others.  But I do so because I believe the truth sets us free, and is the right long term solution for minimizing harm and maximizing happiness for people with good intentions...
He does not yet believe in the Gospel and much that it entails. However, since he is willing to reason his way through these questions, I responded:
In order to salvage these precious concepts of truth and human well-being, you need another part – eternal life! Why? Because to live by the truth, you will have to take many hits like losing a job and maybe even martyrdom.
Therefore, if you want to maintain that the truth and happiness go together in the long run, as you must, you need to add to it “eternal life,” simply because often living by the truth does not pay adequate dividends in this life.
However, there are also other implications. This eternal life must be able to compensate for the loses and injustices you will experience in this cruel world. However, you cannot stop here. There also needs to be a Mechanism that will ensure that people will get what they deserve – a justice Giver.
However, justice isn’t an essay concept. Delivering it is even harder. It also requires an examination of the intentions of the heart. Some of us come from such troubled backgrounds that we might mean well but often fail to do well. Who can take all these necessary considerations into account? Only an omniscient and merciful God! Karma, therefore, must go beyond the harsh equation of justice to take deeper things into account.
This also requires great engineering. Why? The idea of eternal life might seem to some as eternal boredom, lacking painful consequences. This means that certain other features must be built into heaven – love!
What kind of love? The Bible likens our future relationship with our Savior to an eternal and blissful marriage for which our earthly marriage is but a mere fading glow. All of our earthly joys are just pointers to the future joy for which we are being prepared. I love smelling flowers. However, after a few sniffs, it is hard to detect its scent. All our earthly joys are the same way. They are fleeting pointers beyond themselves to a greater Reality. That’s why they always fade, whether it’s a matter of listening to your favorite piece of music over and over. It loses its fragrance. Same with anything – sex, marriage, successes, watching the same sunset or the same movie. Their fragrance fades. Why? Clearly, the Creator does not want us to be satisfied with earthly pleasures but wants us to seek beyond.
Sounds like you are reasoning your way to the God of the Bible. Few do! However, our God doesn’t use one formula for all. He works with us according to who we are – how He made us and has been leading us.
I didn’t mention that justice implies the existence of evil and rebellion against the Truth, but that will come next if he hasn’t jumped-ship. Please pray for him.


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