Saturday, September 11, 2021


 May be an image of Anita Mann and body of waterA friend’s wife just perished after a long battle on a ventilator, leaving little ones behind. Meanwhile, my dear wife surrounds me with tokens of her love - 

Folding my cloths, which I leave in careless bundles,
Caring for all my health needs and paperwork,
Overseeing my needs even before I am aware of them,
Stroking my troubled head.
Yes, she bugs me about this and that, repeating things I don’t want to hear, but I only owe her one thing - an enormous debt of gratitude. Woe to me if I hold any scintilla of unforgiveness or even disappointment against her.
Instead, I ask our Lord to continue to hold my eyelids open to this precious gift He has given me until my eyes finally close or the woman beside me is longer at my side.

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