Friday, September 29, 2017


Ideas come with a price-tag; so too, theories. Darwinism came at the cost of many lives. How? At its core, it is inseparable from racism. The original title of Darwin’s class gives us some indication of its costs: The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection or The Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life. This understanding served to legitimate war and racism. In it Darwin wrote:

·       At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilized races of man will almost certainly exterminate, and replace, the savage races through the world…

This was more than Darwin’s prediction, but his hope:

·       The anthropomorphous apes [man-like apes], as Professor Schaaffhausen has remarked, will no doubt be exterminated. The break between man and his nearest allies [the man-like apes] will then be wider, for it will intervene between man in a more civilized state, as we may hope… (521)

This “hope” then became a strategy among evolutionists. In Saving Darwin: How to be a Christian and Believe in Evolution, evolutionist and former co-head of the Biologos Foundation, Karl Giberson, explained that:

·       [Evolutionist] Ernst Haeckel nudged the racism of the Third Reich along its malignant road by suggesting that …”You must draw [a line] between the most highly developed civilized people on the one hand and the crudest primitive people on the other and unite the latter with animals.” (76)

For the evolutionist, some humans were closer to apes and should be regarded as such. This “hope” then became an actuality. Giberson admitted:

·       “How shocking it is today to acknowledge that virtually every educated person in the Western culture at the time…shared Haeckel’s ideas. Countless atrocities around the globe were rationalized by the belief that superior races were improving the planet by exterminating defective elements…there can be little doubt that such viewpoints muted voices that would otherwise have been raised in protest.”

Nevertheless, today evolutionists attempt to distance themselves from anything that smacks of racism and their racist past. However, racism is endemic to their theory no matter how much they might deny this. If we had evolved from ape-like pre-humans, it is inevitable that some humans will be more evolved than others and others will be closer to their pre-human ancestors.

Meanwhile, the Bible never regards humanity as a part of the animal kingdom, merely separated from other animals by degree. Instead, we are created in the likeness of God, totally distinct from the animal kingdom, all part of the one family of man.

The theory of evolution (TOE) also has other costs. Because of TOEs belief that we have many leftover and useless (vestigial) organs from our pre-human past, they have argued that these leftovers could be eliminated without cost. In Have You Considered, Bruce Malone wrote:

·       In misguided preventive measures, infants were exposed to x-rays in order to reduce the size of this “unnecessary evolutionary leftover” [the thymus gland] from the past. Follow-up studies found that infants who received the radiation treatment had abnormal growth and higher rates of infections…resulting in the death of many of these children from thyroid cancer some 10-15 years later.

Meanwhile, the many organs that had once been considered leftovers are now regarded as functional and necessary. However, the costs remain.

Nevertheless, many evolutionists will argue that “TOE is not a question of costs but of truth.” But does it represent truth? Malone claims that Sir Julian Huxley, who had been known as the “ambassador for evolution,” conjectured why TOE caught on so quickly:

·       [I suppose the reason] we all jumped at Origins [TOE] was because the idea of God interfered with our sexual mores.

…if the truth be told.

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