Wednesday, July 31, 2019


The big tent is shrinking almost to the point of disappearing. When we were able to think our own thoughts, believe our own beliefs, and speak pronouns according to our convictions, we were able to live with one another with mutual respect, because we did not fear coercion and felt safe and protected. Now, we no longer feel safe, and so we have retreated to our own safe places where we can speak freely because everyone thinks as we do. This has created division, antagonism, and distrust of the system.

California has just passed another resolution which can only serve to heighten distrust and division:

·       Lawmakers in California have passed a resolution that singles out the state’s religious communities and forces them to fully support LGBT individuals.

The resolution reads:

·       “the Legislature calls upon all Californians to embrace the individual and social benefits of family and community acceptance” of LGBT people. The document unapologetically pins blame on people of faith for being contributors to the sky-rocketing suicide rates among the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community.

The bill further reads:

·       “The stigma associated with being LGBT often created by groups in society, including therapists and religious groups, has caused disproportionately high rates of suicide, attempted suicide, depression, rejection, and isolation amongst LGBT and questioning individuals…”

While the bill expresses concern for the marginalization and stigmatization of the LGBT communities, it doesn’t seem to be at all concerned that it is stigmatizing “religious” communities.

But are these groups stigmatizing LGBTs? According to Christian theory, we all have the responsibility to turn from our sins, and none of us are sinless. Is this stigmatization? Hardly! Instead, the bill isn’t calling-out Islam for actually murdering LGBTs. Without this, we are left wondering whether the bill is truly concerned about the welfare of LGBTs.

Another aspect of this bill also causes us to wonder. The negative consequences associated with LGBT lifestyles are being attributed to “religious groups” without supportive evidences. Are these groups also responsible for homosexual domestic violence and their attenuated lifespans? Hardly!  These costs, among others, cannot possibly be attributed to those “religious groups.” Such blame represents the height of injustice. Where is the evidence that indicates “probable cause” to indict entire groups of innocent people? If anything, the evidence indicates that these alternative lifestyles are inherently self-destructive. Numerous ex-gays have even confessed that they knew that what they had been doing was wrong and felt ashamed. Consequently, the high rates of mental health and substance abuse issues!

Instead of blaming Christian teachings on sexual behavior for LGBT outcomes, it would be more fruitful to investigate the possible connection between our human nature and the shame we experience when we violate it. This connection shouldn’t seem far-fetched. After all, it is obvious that our nature causes us to feel guilty when we wrong someone and good when we help them. It’s called “conscience.”

Instead, it is the Christians and ex-gays who are being systematically stigmatized and victimized. However, they are not jumping off bridges and OD-ing on substances. This might seem like crude language, but the stakes are high and straight-forward language is scarce.

If these California legislators are truly concerned about the welfare of LGBTs, they should encourage impartial research to ascertain the real causes of suicide and the many other costs of alternative sexual lifestyles.

Instead, this bill will further silence any real discussion of the issues, even at the expense of our 1st Amendment rights and create a new class of the disenfranchised.

If they are truly concerned about stigmatization, why don’t they also include adulterers, incest practitioners, and pedophiles among their protected categories of people? Why not raise children for sexual predation? It seems that, for now, protecting these three groups isn’t yet PC.

The methods of the pro-LGBT advocates seem to be unhinged from any concerns about justice, equal protection under the law, truth, morality, and even concerns about the welfare and unity of the nation. These advocates resemble spoiled teenagers who will do whatever it takes to get what they want right now.

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