Christians are often criticized because we have disagreements
among ourselves, as if disagreements disqualify our beliefs. They do not. This
is how I answered one atheist:
“Scripture tells us that we only see in part. Many mysteries remain. I would be surprised if it was otherwise. This is because we are talking about the God who created and sustained everything that we call reality. How then can we expect to have exhaustive knowledge of such a God?
“Scripture tells us that we only see in part. Many mysteries remain. I would be surprised if it was otherwise. This is because we are talking about the God who created and sustained everything that we call reality. How then can we expect to have exhaustive knowledge of such a God?
We seek knowledge and understanding as far as we can. But we
also realize that there are limits to the knowledge that God will grant us.
Consequently, we do have inevitable and understandable disagreements.
Sometimes, we need to stick-to-our-guns; at other times, we need to clothe ourselves
with humility.
These disagreements should not serve to disqualify our faith
any more than disagreements in the world of science should disqualify science. Scientists
cannot even fathom the basics of science, like the nature of light, matter,
time, and space. So do not be surprised that Christians also have their
disagreements. We accept this.”
Scientists also have many disagreements. However, their
disagreements should not lead them to conclude, “Science is bogus.” Likewise, if
we remain humble, our differences shouldn’t drive us apart into warring theological
However, instead of humility, we arm ourselves with the
arrows of arrogance. In this way, some call the Biblical creation account myths
and fairy tales. It might initially appear this way until we compare it to the
alternative – That the universe sprang into existence uncaused out of nothing.
Which then is the greater fairy tale?
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